We will have to agree to disagree. Democrats lie through their teeth just like Republicans. Look at the whole Russian dossier stupidity, or the Hunter Biden laptop controversy. Oh yes and our favorite Native American Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Although in the case of Hunters laptop at least he and is dad did not ever expressly deny that the laptop was his. Of course they had the New York Times and other MSM to do it for them.
As to the questioning of the recent Supreme Court nominee I can only compare how she was questioned to what happened with Kavanaugh. Remember who got the whole “Kavanaugh is a rapist” idea launched? Micheal Avenneti who I believe might be behind bars now. Also, odd how the Democrats want to have the hearings go on and on when Republicans nominate someone but want to rush when it’s their nominee.
My problem with the current Supreme Court nominee was that she could not explain her judicial philosophy clearly. That is concerning since in order for people to feel confidence in the legal system it has to be perceived to be logical in some way.
I despise both parties.