So the founder was inspired by a Zulu speaker and honors him by using a Zulu word and this is somehow a sin. I am now going to confess my sin and my shame.
I have an unusual middle name and my mom always told me I was named after her best friend. Her best friend happened to be Native American. It was when I was 12 that I looked up the name and shock of shocks the book said it was actually an African name. My mom was surprised and called her friend to tell her about the mistake in the book. At that point her friend laughed said that she was actually named after her father"s college roommate's sister. He was close friends with his roommate and wanted to honor him. Guess where the roommate was from.... yes you guessed it ...Africa.
So I guess I am guilty of cultural appropriation. After all I could change it legally and haven't so I am clearly guilty. I must be stealing the power of the name. However, I wasn't the first to steal the "power" of using an African name, the woman I was named after was Native American. Would you accuse her of cultural appropriation or maybe you should accuse her father a member of a southwestern tribe. I would guess that you would never ever do that in a million years. Ask yourself why and if it is logical or just racist rational.