Nobody should be arrested for breaking curfew. If they are breaking another law or part of an unlawful protest then arrest them for that crime. I think these, probably ineffective, curfews, whether to quell protests or for Covid, are an overreach by our politicians. Most of these politicians do not follow the rules they impose and its a disgrace.
My comment and concern was that the article seems to be calling for mass arrests of random protestors and did not limit the arrests to those who entered the Capitol. Do I support arresting everyone at the protest; no, I think that is a violation of our right to protest. Just like it is an overreach to just arrest a protestor who is not breaking the law by injuring people or damaging property.
At the risk of being accused again of being naive, I would suggest that 2 wrongs don't make it right. Did you support the police for making arrests for curfews? Are you arguing that because some people are arrested wrongly other people should also be arrested wrongly.
Arrest those who broke into the Capitol and charge them with the appropriate crime. I would love to see everyone charged who participated in that unlawful protest. However, that does not mean that every one of the protestors outside the Capitol should be arrested.
As to the "document" or "flier". My gut instinct is to discount anything given by an unnamed source. There is a reason the source is not named and often that reason impacts on how much weight the disclosure should be given. Certainly I would never personally advocate mass arrests based on a random flier received by an unnamed source. Well I would never advocate "mass arrests" in any event since I value our democracy and our freedoms.