I would love to see some factual support for these assertions. I don’t think the typical Trump voter blamed themselves for anything. I think they were angry at the elites or top 1% and expressed their anger at the corruption of our system by voting for Trump.
Trump may be a horrible person but he is anything but a typical political elite like Hilary Clinton.
In fact one could argue that the Trump voters were logically voting against a system rigged against them. They picked a totally out side the box candidate because the political establishment generally supports the elite class and not the interests of the average citizen.
You yourself just astutely laid out how the system favors the 1% and is rigged against the rest of our citizens. So why was everyone so surprised that the Trump voters would go with the wild card candidate like Trump.
Also of course they would support building a wall. If manual jobs are disappearing the logical thing is to support immigration enforcement because the majority of people coming across the border are not educated and compete for manual labor jobs.
Is it fair that our large corporations and business organizations support illegal immigration because it’s in their best interest? That illegal immigration both creates a cheaper labor force (bigger profits) and also increases the marketplace for goods (more customers). The top 1% don’t want us to have a civil discourse on this topic because we may decide that if corporations want the benefit of a cheaper labor pool they should pay the costs of illegal immigration including increased healthcare costs for uninsured laborers.