I am having difficulty figuring out exact what is “toxic individualism”. Is it just being an asshole and a conservative? So if you are an ass but not a conservative you are okay? All the examples you give are conservatives who are assholes and selfish ignorant people.
So are the kids blaring rap in their car also toxic individualists? (I really find it irritating) How about Governor Newsom when he mandates masks and closes indoor dining but goes to a fancy French dinner with lobbyists. Wait what about Obama vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard during all that flooding in Louisiana.
The democratic mayor of Denver flew to Texas after telling his constituents to stay home. What is he? Maybe even thinking of Texas is toxic we can excuse his act as a moment of insanity and not call it hypocrisy.
The majority of stuff you are complaining about is not “toxic individualism” it’s entitled people feeling their comfort or discomfort matters more then everyone else’s. Nothing to do with individualism and all about feeling entitled and being selfish. Sadly this malady crosses all political parties, both liberal and conservatives.