I am curious ,since I do not like to jump to the conclusion someone is being rude or sarcastic, why would you call someone you don't know "dear". If you meant it as an insult come right out and actually insult me. Would have a greater impact on me .... the "dear" comment just made me roll my eyes.
Thank you for explaining your position and here is mine. First, I seemed to have wrongly assumed you find her evil because she defended a British woman who was fired from her job for tweeting “men cannot change into women,” My apologies for making that assumption.
So let's set aside JK Rowling expressing her feelings since you find seem to be pointing to her work as an author as being problematic. or "evil". So this is not about her expressing her opinion per se but about a character she created.
I think you are referring to Troubled Blood in which she wrote a book about a serial killer who was a cross dresser. I have not read the book but maybe you have read it and are not relying on other peoples narrative. Here is what Time had to say
"A subsequent review from The Guardian describes this character as “just one of many suspects” in the novel’s primary narrative, however; while the killer is apparently written to fetishize lingerie, he uses a stolen women’s coat and a wig solely as a disguise to aid his crimes. The review adds that, “he is not the main villain, nor is he portrayed as trans or even called a ‘transvestite’ by Rowling.”"
Now one could try to argue she created that character because she is transphobic. Then I guess you think authors base all their antagonists on people they find evil . So, if the killer was a blind person does that mean the author is prejudiced against blind people.
She is an author who uses her imagination to create entertaining books. In this case it is a murder mystery and in a murder mystery there is a murderer. Does she only write about transpeople being murderers? I doubt it? Do transpeople ever commit crimes? I think like all other humans they are capable of committing crimes and their transgender status does not mean they are angels. So why does this make her evil? is there a list of character types you are not allowed to present in any other light than sweetness and light? God, I hope not since i love creativity and do not want to see it curtailed.
Also what does the size of her platform with whether she is evil or not. Are you suggesting that people with a big platform cannot to express their opinion without being accused of going "way beyond "expressing her feelings"...". What does that mean anyway? Is there some sort of magic number as to the size of the platform? Could a less popular author write a murder mystery with the same plot and not be evil?