Bless your heart for so politely telling me to shut up and sit down. So if I try to have an intelligent debate and ask some question I am showing my “inherent sense of entitlement”. Please enlighten me; entitlement to what exactly? Expressing my opinion and having a mature conversation about an interesting topic. Well the author of the article is “entitled” to express her opinion and I loved reading her article. I learned something and loved reading the article enough to respond to her. Yes, I am “entitled”; “entitled” to ask questions, debate the topic and basically act like an intelligent adult.
You say that it is time to “accept, and learn”. Part of learning is asking questions, exploring the topic and sometimes asking “why” or “what about this” and not just nodding your head.
In fact, in my opinion taking your approach is a bit patronizing. I gave the author of this article the respect she deserved for a great article when I took time to respond. I won’t patronize her by nodding my head and just accepting whatever is said like I am playing lady bountiful. Maybe you should check yourself for a bit of entitlement or maybe a bit of virtue signaling.