Ah yes “non-compliance” is not to be tolerated and should be punished. How far are you willing to go with this position? Should we imprison people? Maybe whip them into submission?
First the guy was given a medical exemption from the Victorian government. Shame on him for relying on a bunch of bureaucrats to issue that exemption properly.
Secondly, if you read all the literature both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated spread Covid. Even Fauci has admitted the the viral load is the same between a vaccinated person and non-vaccinated. When you caught Covid as a vaccinated person you were just as contagious.
Lastly, our irrational response to Covid will have a lasting negative impact on our communities and our children. We are allowing the media and our ruling elites to foster a “others mentality”. It’s dangerous to allow our politicians to encourage the erroneous idea that the non-vaccinated are contributing or even causing this pandemic to continue on. We never had the capability to vaccinate the world at the same time so we never had even a shot at eradicating Covid. Now we need to learn to live with it without fostering divisions